Shashwat hospital has well equipped Eye department providing all ophthalmic speciality services.
- Phacoemulsification cataract surgery
- Small incision sutureless cataract surgery
- Management of corneal diseases and corneal transplantation
- Glaucoma screening and treatment
- Glaucoma surgeries
- Paediatric Cataract Surgeries
- Squint surgery
- Diabetic retinopathy screening and Laser treatment
- Endoscopic DCR surgery
- Chair unit for ophthalmic OPD
- Auto refractometer with Keratometer (Computerised Eye check up) for glasses
- Contact lenses
- Applanation tonometry for glaucoma screening
- A scan –Biometry (Sonomed: USA)
- State of art Operation theatre inclusive of laminar flow & HEPA filters
- Karl Caps German microscope
- Millenium Baush and Lomb phaco machine