Dr. Milind Belsare
M.D. (Anaesthesiology)

Dr.Milind Belsare completed M.D. in anaesthesiology from B.J.Medical College & Sassoon Hospital Pune in Dec.1986
Subjects of special interest:
- Labour analgesia & anesthesia for high risk obstetrics.
- Anesthesia in morbidly obese patients.
- Accident prevention in operation theater
Academic contributions:
- Delivered a number of lectures, participated in panel discussions and conducted workshops in various conferences of Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists.
- Conducted a number of programs to create awareness about labour analgesia in Gynecological society, Indian medical association & for general public
- Delivered a number of lectures on anesthetic issues of severely obese patients in conferences of anesthesia society, surgical society & bariatric surgeon’s society
- Delivered lectures on accident prevention in operation theatre
Work for society: Worked as secretary for Indian society of anesthesiologist, Pune city branch
Delivered lecture on “Uses of computers for anesthesiologists” in Indian Society of Anaesthesiologists
His services are available in Shashwat hospital on all Thursdays & Fridays & anytime for emergency cases.
Contact No: 9822033928
E-mail ID : belsare@gmail.com
Dr. Milind Belsare
Subjects of special interesLabour analgesia & anesthesia in high risk obstetrics.Anesthesia in morbidly obese patients.Accident prevention in operation theater
Dr. Milind Belsare
He has worked as secretary for Indian society of anesthesiologist ; Pune city branch